
My husband and I absolutely loved choosing original pieces of Kim McCarthy encaustic art to gift our friends for their wedding celebrations.  Kim's works are surely unique, yet relatable, and make for beautiful additions to any home.  We loved the symbolic meaning behind her pieces, many relating to love, discovery, and ones journey through life - all great themes for wedding gifts.  It was great fun to personally select our pieces from Kim's private studio, where we got to know the artist better, and her inspiration behind the works.  We have purchased multiple pieces, for multiple gifts, and even have some of her works in our own collection!  It is now fun to visit our friends' homes, and see the pieces of art in their own spaces!  Talk about a wedding gift that is actually enjoyed every day!  (They look especially amazing when the natural light glistens on the encaustic). Thank you, Kim!

Amy & Adrian Murray, Toronto, ON

Charles and I would like to thank you for the glorious morning spent with you, sipping tea and eating scrumptious goodies as we sat within your creative space. That morning we experienced our own interpretation of Heaven as we sat amongst your art pieces, our souls soaring by your expression streamed from the divine. We are honoured to have shared in such an experience.  

"The Offering " now resides within Her new home, gracing the wall and space with her presence.  She is loved immensely and has become a part of my daily ritual and practice as time is spent with her at both the start and end to my day.  She is a true inspiration and continues to speak to me in ways that make my entire being soar.  She has also been influential in the opening of hearts and conversation with others who have visited my home.

Maggie Morin, Toronto, ON

We are honoured and delighted to have two of Kim McCarthy’s paintings hanging prominently in our living room. We purchased them almost a decade ago and they continue to delight us with vibrant colour and phenomenal texture and true beauty.

Pam Walker, Toronto, ON

For almost 30 years, we have been involved in your artistic and creative journey.  We have watched you experiment, be adventurous, turn obtuse corners we never dreamed of and emerge as a consummate, thoughtful and social commentator on an evolving society and world order.  Your work speaks to many and prompts the viewer to question and ponder.

We love your unique interpretation of Ireland – its unhurried way of life and simple natural beauty.

Our encaustic collection brightens our home.  The work is rich in color, layered in introspection, history and emotion.  It is a mirror to our souls. It opens our minds to the beauty that surrounds us.

Thank you Kim for sharing your giftedness with us!

Ann & Jack Murphy, Brampton, ON

Dear Kim, 

It seems most fitting that this is inscribed on the first day of spring when so much of the beauty of your art celebrates and mirrors nature - its seasons, its grandeur, its simplicity, - its complexity, its movements - and the Divine Wisdom it points us toward. Beyond the immense beauty and creativity - the energy and synergy of your works - is a beautiful, gentle, meditative and inspirational spirit which I am so blessed to have encountered personally, in and through you. You truly embody a great deal of St. Angela and point us also toward the wisdom she shared so many centuries ago. We are so very blessed that you and your art have been such an integral part of our inaugural exhibition and the opening ceremonies of Brescia's centennial. Words will never express the gratitude we have. 


Catherinanne George, Brescia University, London ON

Grateful am I for connections to amazing artists and soul messages from beyond. I picked up my long awaited encaustic work entitled “Her Voice”. The moment I set eyes on this piece my heart skipped a beat and a wave of emotions overcame me. (as do most of the pieces created by the talented Artist Kim McCarthy ) When I saw this piece in person so long ago the deal was sealed! Today was the day I got to bring you home!!! How beautiful to see the studio where this piece was brought to life!! I wanted to touch each and every piece in that studio and shout “mine, mine, mine”!

Shari Ladds, Fergus, ON